Our extraordinary clinical team at Brentwood Gynecology Office is commitment to providing patients with comprehensive health care, family planning and personalized attention. We educate and prepare our patients for major life events, such as: menstrual life-cycle pain, infertility, childbirth, STD screening and treatment, pregnancy prevention and miscarriages.

From pregnancy testing to prenatal care and birth control to our other pregnancy services, we provide everything necessary for optimal health care and wellness.

In addition, we also provide care and screenings for women seeking to become pregnant. For further information feel free to contact us today. You may also contact us to schedule your appointment at: (631)273-0505 | (631)796-6415

Brentwood Gynecology Office offers personalized care to support your birth control and pregnancy options. We believe you have a right to make an

informed decision about what you desire for your body. So, regardless of whether you are choosing how to start building a family or how to prevent a pregnancy, we provide support from the very beginning.

Our family planning services include the following:

Gynecology Care:

Our office provides physical exams, prenatal care, sexually transmitted infection screening, pregnancy prevention and more. We also provide treatment for menstrual pain and heavy menstrual cycle bleeding.

Pregnancy Testing and Pregnancy Alternatives:

We provide expert help and a safe environment, so that our patients understand the alternatives available for their pregnancy. We also provide care for women suffering from miscarriage.

Testing for STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

We offer testing for STDs like HIV/AIDS, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Genital Herpes, and other any types of transmitted diseases. During your gynecology appointment, you will be given blood tests and/or a pelvic examination. At this time, our OB-GYN specialist will take a swab of tissue from you for testing. In the event you are diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease, we will provide you with treatment options and support.

Birth Control and Contraception Services:

Our medical office provides contraceptive services based on your individual health needs. Our FDA-approved contraceptive techniques include an array of health solutions, such as the Birth Control Pills, Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUD), Condom/Diaphragm and Mirena.

We are committed to providing our patients with the most professional and compassionate family planning services possible. We understand that you may be under a lot of pressure at the time of scheduling your initial visit. We also understand what you are going through.

Schedule today for a consultation to find out about our health care alternatives at Brentwood Gynecology Office. Simply give us a call today at: (631)273-0505 | (631)796-6415.